Monday, 20 July 2015

Hallway Renovation

When we bought our house 2 years ago, the first thing I wanted to do was paint the hallway. Just one look at the before photo would convince anyone to agree with me. Well 2 years went by and I grew used to it. 'Used to' is not to be confused with 'like' however. 

My initial idea was to wallpaper one side of the hallway with this awesome vintage map wallpaper I bought 4 rolls of but we didn't have enough wallpaper, and once we got painting it was much better.

It took a while to decide the colour scheme of the house, we wanted to go neutral to make it more 'sellable' and also to keep the cottage-y feel while still brightening up the place.
We chose Dulux Haast for the door trim and Dulux Half Haast for the walls. The ceiling is just plain white. Our whole house will be painted like this as we slooooowly move room by room.

For some reason, the floor boards in the hallway haven't been polished like the rest of the house. We may do them eventually, but now wasn't the time. Also the storage/linen cupboard (only one in the house) will have some bi-fold doors eventually to hide the chaos!

The bathroom and toilet were once two separate rooms but they are now combined. The previous owner didn't make the old toilet doorway flush with the wall (pun intended) - he just left it recessed.
Dave made some rimu shelving to fill the alcove and it is now a clever bookshelf.

Alcove on the left...

...Filled with books!

The storage/linen cupboard

In all its cluttered glory!
 The purple trim and green walls needed 3 coats of paint to cover their assault on the eyes! And the front door is not staying blue!!

Our Vintage Frame Gallery Wall has been a dream for a good few years. We decided to spray the frames black to keep it cohesive and mixed and matched them with some modern prints too. I am stoked with how it turned out and I get to see it every time I walk out of our room.

Once Addison is older we will probably put a little hall table in the corner with a nice green house plant, but for now we are enjoying the uncluttered space!

What do you think? Are we making an improvement on the house? Any tips or suggestions for our next room?



  1. love the hallway! bye bye green, purple and blue. Hooray for neutral colours and its a good plan to take it through the entire house. You can add colour in other ways without painting the walls green. We polished our floors and its awesome. Well worth doing when you have the money and few weeks to move out of the house while it gets done.

  2. I bought a 1912 villa in Dunedin & on of the bedrooms was painted that same green! Including the batons on the ceiling �� they'd paired the green with electric blue trim & fluro Orange curtains. I still get a headache just thinking about that colour combination! It required many layers, like your hallway, but was soooo worth it. Christina ��

  3. It's so pretttty! I love it, but I miss you more.

  4. Wow, how awesome is this! The change is amazing, it looks so much more open and neutral now.


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  6. Great blog! You had an amazing idea of the wallpaper. A small tip is that filling unused doorways with shelving to maximize space efficiently can be a great idea for any renovation remodeling company.


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