Tuesday 13 September 2016

Book Review - Hop Along Boo - Time For Bed {Belle & Boo}

Hop Along Boo - Time For Bed
This book, oh it is illustrated so well! It is whimsical and creates beautiful dreamscapes for boys and girls of all ages. There are Pirates, Fairies, Cowboys and Ballet Dancers weaved into a bedtime routine as Belle gets Boo ready for bed.


The words rhyme and flow nicely in a sort of quiet, dreamy way and you almost instinctively find yourself whispering by the end. Belle and Boo appear on every page and Addison loves to spot them and talk about what they are up to. She has attached herself quite firmly to the characters and especially loves the rabbit, Boo.

The only tiny issue I have with this book is that on one (only one though) of the pages the writing is black on dark blue which is tricky to read in dim light. If it was written in white then this book would be perfect!

We received the softcover version (also available in hardcover) and it has great quality paper and is standing up well to the nightly readings.

Highly recommended from our household. 

Thanks to Hachette for providing me with a review copy of this book.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Something I have noticed...

Currently I am sitting and procrastinating the afternoon away while an assignment sits half written on my desktop. My poor little blog is looking a bit neglected lately and although I have all the best intentions, time seems to slip away so fast! I will get back to it eventually, I have a few book reviews coming up and I need to do a much needed update on beautiful Addison, as well as where we are at with our house renos.

But the reason I am writing this is because I have noticed something really awesome.

Some backstory...

Addison loves books. She loves being read to and especially loves snuggling up next to you on the couch before bed for the multiple books.

We have been very fortunate to have been given a decent sized collection of books for young readers from friends and family, and I have picked a few up cheaply from op-shops. So many that for the first two years of Addison's life we didn't need to get out library books because she was happy cycling through the ones we had. Now that the board books and touch and feel books aren't quite meeting her needs, we hit up the library once a week. She plays, I choose a few books. She has figured out the concept of library books, that they come home with us for a week or two then get returned.

However I have noticed that she is remembering these books months down the track and references them - "My hippo book with hide and seek - it's from the library". Or "I want to read my pink Spot book - the library one" I find this so fascinating!

But what I am meaning to get to is the fact that even though Addison can't read the words on the page yet, she can pick out almost every book accurately from the bookshelf just based on the colour of its spine or the pictures on the front. No wonder marketing is so effective in young children!

I am just loving the way her memory is starting to work. She is pretty much 2 and a half now and she remembers loads of stuff that I wouldn't have thought she would.

Just some musings from today.

Happy spring!