Friday 13 March 2015

Dresses For Cambodia

A while ago a friend of mine, who has a very generous heart, put out a call to anyone who can sew.
I won't ever win any awards for sewing but I can get the basics done to a passable standard so I answered.

The call? To make simple dresses for little girls that get rescued from the streets of Cambodia. They normally get clothed in soccer uniforms but what little girl doesn't want a pretty dress of her own!
Sophie has a friend that works with these girls and is able to facilitate the distribution of the dresses that get made. How cool!

I have been hoarding vintage sheets for a good few years now, using bits here and there but I still had the bulk of the fabric left which is perfect for making lightweight dresses for the heat of Cambodia.

I used this free pattern to make the dresses and made one in each size from 1-8. I feel like the gap from shoulder to armpit isn't big enough for the average kiwi girl but hopefully they will fit someone! I really love seeing the pretty dresses all lined up and I love that I can use my time and resources to do something good!
 I just need to get my hands on some size labels then they will be off on their adventure!

If you can sew or if you would like to contribute fabric to the cause then get in touch with Sophie or I!


  1. Very cool! You are so talented. I am sure these dresses will be loved.

  2. These dresses are beautiful. They will be loved by whoever gets to wear one, I am sure.


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