Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Quilled Tree Art

This is my latest art project, and my second attempt at quilling. This was my first attempt. 

I am pretty stoked with this one, I wanted to just use autumn colours and have the quilled teardrops be like falling leaves.

 My Creative Space
Little birdy

The shiny spots you may notice is just the glue drying. That is the suckiest part about quilling. It is freakn hard to get the glue to stick to such a small surface area! I generally use a paintbrush to coat the base of the paper generously then stick it down hard and hope for the best!

In other news...
  •  I have dyed my hair, bit of an impulse move, not sure how I feel about it yet, probably when it lightens up in a few washes it will look closer to the 'strawberry blonde' I had envisioned. It does however, make my blue eyes look super bright and awesome.

  • I made my very first Mince Chow Mein. YUM!
    This recipe uses only one (large) pot! Easy!! Plus you can extend it out with beans/lentils and it makes about six dinner-sized portions.

    Mince Chow Mein Recipe
  • The latest set of Love Bombs have been sent! Check out Sophie Slim's blog for all the latest.

  • We finally met our neighbours! (After 1 year...oops). One we met while Dave was out doing some tree hacking pruning and the others we met when their car got stuck in the stupid gutter drains. (Seriously- they don't make the driveway planks wide enough)
    *tip - use a car jack to jack the car up so its wheel is off the ground and slide a sturdy wooden plank under to use as a ramp. Lower the car then drive on out!

    Anyway, the neighbours are lovely, I might have to do a baking mission sometime. 

Enjoy the rest of the week!


  1. Love it! I used to do quilling as a kid but I haven't done it for years! Might be time to dig out the old quilling tool. (Is there are name for it...?)

  2. Looks great. I remember having a go at it once - it seems to be having a resurgence

    1. Yea it pops up on my pinterest feed every so often and I think it looks so pretty!

  3. Nice tree! Your hair turned out a beautiful color - it looks very natural. I've been quilling for awhile and have found that with glue, less is more. Use a light touch when applying it. I use long tweezers to handle the coils as it seems I can be gentler with them that way and can place them exactly where I want them to go. hth!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Tweezers - why didn't I think of that! My fat fingers keep flicking the non-glued ones out of the way. Thanks for the tips!


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