Monday, 16 July 2012

Freehand Sewing

The other day, I was about to head off to a birthday party...Empty Handed! Shock Horror!
I had an hour or so to spare and had a cushion amount of material in my stash so taking inspiration from these lovely ladies : Sophie Slim and Miriam, I decided to make a birthday pillow for the coolest little 1 year old on the block - Holly's son.

I had seen this link a while ago and loved the look of it:
Mr Whiskers

So I thought I would try my hand at freehand sewing.
I don't have the right foot for my sewing machine so I just sewed like normal, and I think it turned out alright...
Minus the filling..

Next to the Lion I wrote Master Ones name but for the sake of privacy I won't show you that part.

I am pleased as punch with how this turned out.

There shall be more freehand sewing in the future!



  1. So cute! Did you draw the picture on first and sew over it or did you just jump right in and sew?

    1. Thanks! I had a picture I found on the net to copy, but my white chalk didn't show up on my white fabric so I winged it. I put some pins in as sort-of-guidelines though.

  2. Great job! What a cute pressie!
    You can get a darning foot on trademe for $10-$15 dollars if you are tempted to give it a go.

    1. Oh thanks! I will probably get one I think, I want to attempt some decent quilts and stuff sometime.

  3. it looks so adorable you obviously have a really steady hand


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