
Friday, 3 January 2014

22 Weeks Pregnant

  • This baby is GROWING! My tummy gets a little bit bigger and a little bit firmer each day that goes by and the movements I feel are getting stronger! Baby is still sitting super duper low though.
  • With the growing comes the inevitable uncomfortableness. I am learning how to sleep and sit and get up without pulling muscles. I do finally feel like I LOOK pregnant now, and can wear clothes that show off my bump a bit more. Although comfort usually wins that battle too.
  • Baby C can detect the difference between dark and light.
  • I feel Baby C kicking the most in the car and just as I start relaxing for the night.
  • Heartburn is making itself known already, and it seems that morning sickness won't leave me alone, I still chuck around once a week!
  • I feel like I should start shopping for the essentials but I can't quite bring myself to buy the unisex stuff available! We are gathering quite the pile of toys though. I also couldn't resist getting some teeny tiny tiger slippers.
  • Baby C has eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • My bellybutton is still an innie!
  • Still no food cravings, just enjoying being able to eat most things again. On the No-Go list are things that are sweet but savoury like parsnip or sweet marinades on meat.
  • I am enjoying having some time off work and being able to sleep in most mornings, I know that will go out the window in the coming months/years!

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